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Mayu Ferrufino
Urban Park Management Certificate
Cuscatlán Park Director, Glasswing International, El Salvador
What drew you to the field of urban park management? What is the most gratifying aspect of your job?
As a woman growing up in a developing country with violence issues, I felt the burden of self-confinement due to fear and the impossibility to freely enjoy public space, especially green urban parks. For me, seeing girls and women of all ages enjoying Cuscatlán Park and making new friends, even during the night hours, is the most gratifying feeling. It makes me feel like we can improve the quality of life for the families living around the park.
Why did you choose the Urban Park Management Certificate, offered by the Central Park Conservancy and the CUNY School of Professional Studies?
For several reasons: 1) Central Park is a world-class park that has multiple positive impacts on New York City. It hasn't always been like that. The Park has experienced some difficult times, and I think I can learn a lot from that. 2) I have participated in other webinars and programs and liked the experience and the warmth of the professionals participating in and teaching these programs. 3) Participants from other parks offer a great deal of knowledge, and 4) The program has CUNY’s endorsement.
What is the most significant impact you will have on your park as a result of applying what you have gained from this program?
A more clear and solid work plan.
Tell us about your experience with completing the certificate program as a fully online experience.
I have participated in other online programs before, so I was prepared for this kind of learning experience. It's not easy but having the reminders and being aware of other colleagues' progress and participation helped me stay motivated.
How did you balance participating in the certificate program with the priorities of your career and personal life?
Well, sometimes I failed, but I tried to manage a weekly balance rather than a daily balance.
What was your favorite unit in the program? Why?
“Affirming our commitments” was my favorite unit because it taught me the impact I could make on my daily work. I loved the memorandums' homework and found it to be very useful on the job.
What advice would you offer someone who is considering applying for the certificate?
To collect images and examples of work conducted in their park. This information will serve as a beneficial resource during class.