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Sheryl Burgstahler
Faculty, Disability Studies
Dr. Sheryl Burgstahler founded and continues to direct Accessible Technology Services at the University of Washington (UW) in Seattle. This unit includes the DO-IT (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology) Center and the Access Technology Center (ATC). The ATC focuses efforts at the UW; the DO-IT Center reaches national and international audiences with the support of federal, state, corporate, foundation, and private funds and hosts The Center on Universal Design in Education (CUDE). Dr. Burgstahler is an Affiliate Professor in the College of Education at the UW. Her teaching and research focus on the successful transition of students with disabilities to college and careers and on the application of universal design to technology, learning activities, physical spaces, and student services.
Dr. Burgstahler has published articles and delivered presentations at national and international conferences that focus on universal design of online learning, websites and multimedia, computer labs, instruction, student services, and other applications in education; and the management of electronic communities, work-based learning activities, and transition programs for youth with disabilities. She is the author or co-author of eight books on using the Internet with pre-college students and directing e-mentoring and transition programs, and lead editor of the book Universal Design in Higher Education: From Principles to Practice. Dr. Burgstahler has degrees in mathematics, education, and administration of higher education. She has taught precollege and postsecondary mathematics, computer programming, assistive and accessible technology, and courses for teachers on mathematics instruction and technology applications. Dr. Burgstahler and her projects have received many awards, including the Professional Recognition Award for the Association for Higher Education and Disability, the National Information Infrastructure Award in Education, the President's Award for Mentoring, the Golden Apple Award in Education, and the Harry J. Murphy Catalyst Award.
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