In the news

The case for allowing boy-girl sleepovers

November 25, 2019

The Washington Post

“Can we have a sleepover?” For years, that has been the maddening, constant request from my 7-year-old daughter. Jan Kaminsky, assistant professor of nursing at CUNY and co-founder of Rainbow Health Consulting (and a mom to three sleepover-age kids), agrees.

Best Online Medical Coding Degree Programs

November 19, 2019


Our Online Certificate in Medical Coding was ranked in Intelligent's Best Online Medical Coding programs list for 2019.
Miles the Doppelganger, played by Hayden Palmer, fights Agnes, played by Claire Schnatterbeck, in a Sheridan High School Drama Club rehearsal of “She Kills Monsters.” (Grace Cannon)

Courage and vulnerability: taking artistic risk in a small town

November 12, 2019


Grace Cannon holds a MA in Applied Theatre from CUNY SPS. In this article, Grace examines the relationship between courage and the risk of vulnerability in theatre, as well as the role that theatre educators play in today's environment.
A park road lined with trees in autumn

Supporting Green Spaces and Partnerships Through the Central Park Conservancy Institute for Urban Parks

November 06, 2019

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

The Chronicle of Philanthropy reports on the collaborations formed between Central Park Conservancy's Institute for Urban Parks and organizations throughout the country to revitalize and maintain public parks.
Journal cover

Sorority flow: the rhetoric of sisterhood in post-network television

October 16, 2019

Feminist Media Studies

Dr. Elizabeth Alsop, academic director of the BA in Communication and Media and BA in Liberal Studies degree programs, recently published "Sorority flow: the rhetoric of sisterhood in post-network television" for Feminist Media Studies.