Professional Development Grant

Student Association Professional Development Grant

The Student Association Professional Development Grant (SAPDG) provides financial support to eligible students who apply to engage in professional development or career advancement activities. The main criteria for this grant is the demonstration of a clearly defined link to academic or professional goals and how the proposed activity will support those goals.

Students who plan to apply for a Student Association Professional Development Grant are encouraged to contact the Office of Students Services by email prior to submitting the application for guidance on the application and selection process.

Students must cover their expenses and submit appropriate documentation for reimbursement. Student Association Professional Development Grant awards may not be advanced.

Student Association Professional Development Grants are not considered by the Student Association during the summer and winter terms.

Eligibility requirements

  • Students must be registered in the CUNY School of Professional Studies for the current semester
  • Students must be matriculated with a minimum GPA of 2.00 for undergraduate students and a minimum GPA of 2.50 for graduate students
  • Students must be making good academic progress towards the completion of their degree or certificate
  • Students must have a record of good conduct
  • Students must not owe tuition or fees to the CUNY School of Professional Studies
  • Students must be available for any application follow up questions or clarification via email or phone

Post-award requirements for reimbursement

  • The approved professional development activity must be concluded before requesting a reimbursement
  • Requests for reimbursements must be submitted to Student Services by email within 10 days of the completed grant activity
  • Students who are awarded a SAPDG must submit a list of requested expenses along with the corresponding receipts to Student Services by email within 10 business days of the approved activity for the processing of a reimbursement
  • Students must submit proof of payment for receipt/s. Example of proof of payment includes: credit card transaction confirmation, credit card statement, ACH/wire confirmation, bank statement, cancelled check (showing front and the endorsement in the back)
  • Students who are awarded a SAPDG must write a 250-500-word recap of the grant activity and how it affected the grantee's educational goals for publication in The Kiosk or on social media

Examples of activities the Student Association Professional Development Grant funds include, but are not limited to:

  • Conference related expenses (registration fees, accommodations and travel)
  • Registration fees for locally based professional development workshops or career networking opportunities
  • Professional Association Memberships
  • Other activities evaluated on a case-by-case basis

The Student Association Professional Development Grant cannot be used for:

  • Full or partial tuition or fee costs
  • Textbook or course materials
  • Conference related expenses (meals, local travel, incidentals)
  • Personal expenses (living costs, credit card debt, loans, legal costs)

Maximum Award

A maximum of $250.00 will be awarded per academic year, subject to supporting documentation. The final award amount will be based upon review of applications and supporting documentation by the SAPDG Committee.

If the cost of the activity exceeds the amount approved, the individual is responsible for paying the remaining balance. The Student Association or the CUNY School of Professional Studies is not responsible for any remaining balance of the activity.

As the grant draws on a limited pool of funds, the Student Association cannot always guarantee the availability of SAPDG funds.

Grant reimbursement may be taxable income and recipients are encouraged to consult with a tax professional.

How to apply for the Student Association Professional Development Grant

The Student Association Professional Development Grant Committee reviews and makes decisions on Professional Development Grants as needed. Applicants will be notified of their application status within ten days following the SAPDG Committee vote.

Award will be made for the spring 2025 term only.

Would you like to learn more about the Professional Development Grant? Register for our information session on Tuesday, March 18, 2025 at 3:00 PM EST via Zoom.

SAPDG Application Process

1. Submit application

Thanks for submitting your application! Please wait 7-10 business days and we'll be in touch


2. Review

Student Association will review your application; monitor your email for any follow-up questions about your application


3. Results

You will hear from a representative from Student Life about approval/denial of your application


4. Approval / Denial

You will hear from a representative from Student Life about approval/denial of your application


Purchase and complete your professional development activity


If your application is denied, you are free to submit another - ask for guidance!


5. Reimbursement

Submit the following for reimbursement:

  • Original receipt
  • Proof of payment
  • Written re-cap

Student Testimonials

"The Student Association Professional Development Grant has allowed me to experience learning opportunities and resources I would not have otherwise had access to."

- Gallucci, MS Disability Services in Higher Education

"I am grateful for this grant. It has inspired me to continue on this path of adapting meaningful techniques to my museum tours and talks."

- Serxner, MA Museum Studies

"I look forward to utilizing every ounce of knowledge and creative insight gained from this experience, to deepen my applied theatre practice in creating theatre with and for communities."

- Schonberg, MA Applied Theater

"Receiving this grant has been a game-changer for my educational goals. The financial assistance it provided allowed me to cover the costs of exams and certifications that I otherwise may not have been able to afford."

- Sanchez, BS Information Systems

"My membership in AHIMA will furnish me with the opportunity to gain continuing education credits and credentials and provides access to many networking occasions that are career enhancing."

- Francis, BS Health Services Administration