In the news

Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Oral History in Seven Voices

March 23, 2022

Brooklyn Rail

Nina Mdivani, a student in the CUNY SPS MA in Museum Studies program, has published the piece "Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Oral History in Seven Voices" in the arts publication Brooklyn Rail. In this article, she interviews several Ukrainian cultural workers about their experience during the first week of the war.

Towards an Antiracism Framework for Human NonHuman Environment Wellbecoming

March 21, 2022

2022 Virtual Nursing Theory Conference

Dr. Anne Marie Leveille-Tulce, assistant professor of nursing at CUNY SPS, presented her scholarly work at the 2022 Virtual Nursing Theory conference held March 17 – 21, 2022. Her presentation, "Towards an Antiracism Framework for Human NonHuman Environment Wellbecoming," was based on the theories from Rogers’ Science of Unitary Human Beings (SUHB). The foundational concepts serve as nursing tools to address important social justice mandates, advocate and act for equity, and uproot systems of oppression and racism.

CUNY to spend $8 million to create online program management unit

March 21, 2022


In this EdScoop interview, CUNY SPS Interim Dean Silva-Puras discusses the new CUNY Online initiative that CUNY SPS will direct.

CUNY pumps $8M into 'in-house OPM'

March 17, 2022

Higher Ed Dive

CUNY SPS Interim Dean Jorge Silva-Puras is cited in this news story by Higher Ed Dive discussing CUNY Online, a new University-wide initiative led by CUNY SPS.

How to Find Emergency Student Loans

March 17, 2022

Forbes Advisor

This article on emergency student loans, published by Forbes Advisor, mentions a voucher and short-term textbook grant for students at CUNY SPS.